Policy Makers Need Climate Information


New York (ABC Live):Demand for climate information to inform decision- and policymaking is growing as the private and public sectors recognize its relevance and value in mitigating and adapting to climate change.

 Users are seeking tailored and actionable climate information on a wide range of timescales, from past, current and future climate. Their needs are broad, including long-term decisions and planning, early warning of potential hazards and managing risks arising from climate variability and change.

 A focus for collaboration within the WMO-led Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) is to ensure that providers of climate prediction products interact more effectively with users to meet this demand by developing climate services.

A new publication, Use of climate predictions to manage risks, explores the range of currently available and potential climate prediction products and services. It is intended for all audiences from policymakers to practitioners and users.

 In particular, it should help National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) which are not currently providing climate services to visualize the possibilities and, perhaps, start creating services in their own environments and countries.

 Much of the content is based on WMO publications and contributions from the WMO Global Producing Centres of Long-Range Forecasts (GPCLRFs). The figures shown should not be used as actual predictions; they are intended to illustrate products and services.